Command Query Separation | Object-Oriented Design Principles w/ TypeScript

Last updated Aug 29th, 2019
CQS (Command-Query Separation) is a design principle that states that a method is either a COMMAND that performs an action OR a QUERY that returns data to the caller, but never both.

I recently discovered a programming term, Heisenbug.

No, I'm not talking about about a certain chemistry teacher turned criminal drug-lord.


It's a pun on the name of a certain German physicist, Werner Karl Heisenberg.

Heisenberg's discovery in particle physics was the uncertainty principle. It stated that "the very act of observing [a particle] alters the position of the particle being observed, making it impossible (in theory) to accurately predict its behavior" 1.

Is it just me or does that remind you of your worst debugging nightmares?

HeisenBUG takes after the uncertainty principle, referring to scenarios where it's incredibly hard to find a bug. It specifically refers to scenarios where the bug seems to disappear or act differently when we make attempts to take a closer look at it.

In programming, unexpected side-effects are largely the cause of such bugs.

If asking a question changes the answer, we're likely to run into problems.

Command-Query Separation (CQS)

Command-Query Separation (CQS) is a design principle (while not strictly object-oriented) that states that:

a method is either a COMMAND that performs an action OR a QUERY that returns data to the caller, but never both.

In simpler terms, "asking a question shouldn't change the answer".

Why does this matter?

The idea is to separate the code paths for operations that change the system from those that simply request data from the system.

By enforcing this separation, the code becomes simpler to understand. Is this changing something, or just fetching something? When a method does both (changes the state of the application and retrieves data), it becomes a lot harder to understand it's true purpose.

This can lead to really hard to reason about application state.

A messy Job Recommendations API Design

Imagine we were building a Job Recommendations Service.

Assume we have two API routes:

GET /jobs         - Returns jobs for me to view
GET /jobs/:jobId  - Returns a particular job

Consider if everytime I did a GET to /jobs/:jobId, it changed the state of the system by changing what comes back when I do GET to /jobs.

Eventually, as I view more jobs with /jobs/:jobId, I'll see more relevant jobs in my calls to /jobs.

In theory, that's one way to build out job recommendations in our system.

But this type of design makes the /jobs API incredibly inconsistent.

Consider how hard it would be to test and validate it's working properly.

Also, consider the actors in this system are as follows:

  • JobSeekers: Job seekers are people who are actually looking for jobs
  • Recruiters: Recruiters work for companies and try to get job seekers to apply to jobs
  • Employers: Employers are the people who post the jobs
  • Public: Anonymous users can also view jobs on the job board without an account

Assume that every actor was able to use the /jobs/:jobId API call to retrieve a posting.

Should the system change for every actor that fetches a job posting with /jobs/:jobId?

Of course not, JobSeekers are probably the only group that this should apply against.

This feels really complex because several user groups are reliant on the same resource, but we're trying to apply side-effects for one of them in particular.

You can be sure that using a design like this, there would be a dirty if statement in there somewhere:

interface Request {
  userId?: string;
  jobId: JobId;

class GetJobByJobIdUseCase implements UseCase<Request, Promise<Job>> {
  execute (request: Request): Promise<Job> {
    const { userId, jobId } = request;
    if (!!userId) {
      const user = await this.userRepo.findById(userId);

      const isJobSeeker = !!user.roles.find((r) => r === 'JobSeeker');
      if (isJobSeeker) {
        // dirty, log job view

    const job = await this.jobRepo.getJobByJobId(jobId);

A better design

Let's be explicit about the COMMANDS, QUERIES, what changes the system, and what retrieves data.

We can improve the design by extracting the side-effect into a COMMAND-like POST call to log the job view separately from retrieving it.

GET /jobs                 - Returns all jobs 
GET /jobs/:jobId          - Returns a particular job
POST /jobs/:jobId/view    - πŸ”₯ Logs a job view 

This tremendously simplifies the code paths for both logging a job view and retrieving a particular job.

We can improve the design even further by extracting the functionality to see recommended jobs from within it's own /jobs/recommendations API.

GET /jobs                     - Returns all jobs 
GET /jobs/:jobId              - Returns a particular job
POST /jobs/:jobId/view        - Logs a job view
GET /jobs/recommendations     - πŸ”₯Returns my personal job recommendations 
                                  (used by JobSeekers only)

Usage of this API from the UI would mean that everytime we perform a GetJobById QUERY, we accompany that with a LogJobView COMMAND.

This way, we have two separate code paths: one for changing the system and for pulling data out of the system. We can rest safely knowing that if we change anything with regards to QUERY-ing, it won't break anything in regards to how we execute COMMANDs, and vice-versa.

Violation of the principle at the code level

Consider you wrote the following postComment method in a Comment Moderation System.

interface Comment {
  name: string;
  url: string;
  content: string;
  id: string;

class CommentRepo {
  postComment (name: string, url: string, content: string): Promise<Comment> {
    const CommentSequelizeModel = this.models.Comment;

    // Post comment
    const comment = await CommentSequelizeModel.create({ name, url, content });
    return CommentMap.toDomain(comment); // with commentId on it

First of all, take a look at method signature:

postComment (name: string, url: string, content: string): Promise<Comment>

The name implies that the operation will be a COMMAND, but it returns a value as well, violating the principle.

Perhaps returning the Comment created can be justified. Assume a CommentService exists, and in order to craft a Slack channel message notifying us of a new comment, we needed the commentId of the newly created Comment returned from the CommentRepo's postComment method.

class CommentService {
  async postCommentAndPostToSlack (name: string, url: string, content: string) {
    const comment = await this.commentRepo.postComment(name, url, content);

    // Needs comment.commentId in order to craft the message.

      New comment posted:
        => Name: ${name}
        => Url: ${url}/commentId/${}
        => Content: ${content}

So then...

What's wrong with this code?

  • While the CommentRepo method is deceptively named postComment, it's not only responsible for posting the comment, but also for retrieving the comment that was posted. Developers reading the method signature might get confused as to the single responsibility of this method. QUERY capability should be delegated to a new method, perhaps getComment(commentId: string).
  • There's an issue in not generating the id for the Comment from within the domain layer, but leaving it up to the persistence layer (Sequelize) as shown here. That can lead to blatant violation of the principle in order to know the identifier of the Entity just saved to the database. That poor design forces calling code executing a COMMAND to not only know if the COMMAND succeeded or failed, but also forces the COMMAND to return the value if successful.

Fixing it

In addition to switching to creating the entire Comment domain model from within the Domain Layer (using Value Objects and Entities containing the UUID identifier), we can segregate the COMMAND from the QUERY aspect of the postComment method by introducing a new method, getComment.

class CommentRepo {
  postComment (comment: Comment): Promise<void> {
    const CommentSequelizeModel = this.models.Comment;
    // Post comment
    await CommentSequelizeModel.create(comment);

  getComment (commentId: CommentId): Promse<Comment> {
    const CommentSequelizeModel = this.models.Comment;
    const createQuery = this.createQuery();
    createQuery.where['comment_id'] =;
    const comment = await CommentSequelizeModel.findOne();
    return CommentMap.toDomain(comment)

And now, from CommentService, we should be able to send the Slack message without relying on the return value from a COMMAND.

class CommentService {
  async postCommentAndPostToSlack (name: string, url: string, content: string) {
    const comment: Comment = Comment.create(name, url, content);
    await this.commentRepo.postComment(comment);

    // Needs comment.commentId in order to craft the message.

      New comment posted:
        => Name: ${name}
        => Url: ${url}/commentId/${}
        => Content: ${content}


Let's see how well I explained that.

Which of these are valid COMMANDs?

  1. getComment (commentId: CommentId): Promise<void>
  2. createJob (job: Job): Promise<Job>
  3. postComment (comment: Comment): Promise<Comment[]>
  4. approveComment (commentId: CommentId): Promise<void>

Which of these are valid QUERIES?

  1. getAllVinyl (): Promise<Vinyl[]>
  2. getVinylById (vinylId: VinylId): Promise<Vinyl[]>
  3. getAllVinyl (): Promise<void>
  4. getAllVinylById (vinylId: VinylId): Promise<Vinyl>

CQS is a constantly occuring principle in several contexts of software development


Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) is often how we think about designing trivial MVC applications. Each operation in CRUD perfectly fits the definition of either a COMMAND or a QUERY.

  • CRUD Commands: Create, Update, Delete
  • CRUD Queries: READ


CQS also syncs up with the principles of RESTful HTTP. An HTTP method is also either a COMMAND or a QUERY.

  • HTTP Queries: GET

In times where it may be challenging to think about the behaviour of a particular RESTful API route, think back to the CQS principle.

  • Create User: POST - /api/users/new
  • Get a user: GET - /api/users/:userId


Nearly every operation we do in SQL is a COMMAND and only one operation is a QUERY. I'm sure you can guess which one (hint: it rhymes with "REFLECT").

CQS in Use-Case Design

Projects beyond simple MVC are centered around the use cases of the application. These are the features for an individual group of people/Actors.

Every use case is strictly a command or a query.

In a Blog subdomain,

  • Commands: CreatePost, UpdatePost, DeletePost, PostComment, UpdateComment
  • Queries: GetPostById, GetAllPosts, GetCommentById, GetAllCommentsForPost

CQS in Domain-Driven Design Architecture with CQRS

In Domain-Driven Design, it makes sense to separate the READ models from the WRITE models. WRITEs usually take a little bit more time to finish executing because a WRITE to an aggregate requires the aggregate to be fully-constituted and contain everything within it's consistency boundary in order to enforce invariants.

Using the same READ model as a WRITE model can be expensive as we've explored in this article.

It makes more sense to enable the READ models to be used for all QUERIES and the WRITE model to be used for the COMMANDs.

This separation into two different types of models is an architectural pattern called Command Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS).

If you're doing Domain-Driven Design, it will likely be hard for you to avoid it.

Performing Reads in CQRS

Command Query Responsibility Separation | Reads

Performing Writes in CQRS

Command Query Responsibility Separation | Writes


  • In theory, the vast majority of operations that we write in programming only either do one or the other (change the application state, or retrieve some data), but there are times where it can be unclear.
  • Being conscious of this principle can clear up any ambiguity towards if a method of a COMMAND or a QUERY and if we expect any side effects to change the state of the app. This reduces bugs, improves readability, and makes code more testable.
  • CQS usually isn't thought about in simple CRUD applications because each of the operations in Create Read Update and Delete operations are obviously either a command or a query.
  • CQS is well-suited towards complex domains where Domain-Driven Design is most useful.
  • There exists another technique called CQRS which is essentially CQS, but at the architectural level.
  • In DDD apps, use cases can sometimes ambiguously feel like a COMMAND and a QUERY, like the GetJobById QUERY (Job board example). It's important, for performance, to be aware of what really is a COMMAND and what really is a QUERY, and use CQRS to separate the read and write models.

  1. Uncertainty Principle - Fascinating wikipedia entry on the principle also sometimes known as The Heisenberg Effect.



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About the author

Khalil Stemmler,
Software Essentialist ⚑

I'm Khalil. I turn code-first developers into confident crafters without having to buy, read & digest hundreds of complex programming books. Using Software Essentialism, my philosophy of software design, I coach developers through boredom, impostor syndrome, and a lack of direction to master software design and architecture. Mastery though, is not the end goal. It is merely a step towards your Inward Pull.

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