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Showing 7 article(s) about "Sequelize"

Ensuring Sequelize Hooks Always Get RunSequelize
In a modular monolith, you can decouple business logic using Domain Events and Sequelize Hooks. For that to work, we need to make ...

How to Handle Updates on Aggregates - Domain-Driven Design w/ TypeScriptDomain-Driven Design
In this article, you'll learn approaches for handling aggregates on Aggregates in Domain-Driven Design.

Decoupling Logic with Domain Events [Guide] - Domain-Driven Design w/ TypeScriptDomain-Driven Design
In this article, we'll walk through the process of using Domain Events to clean up how we decouple complex domain logic across the...

How to Design & Persist Aggregates - Domain-Driven Design w/ TypeScriptDomain-Driven Design
In this article, you'll learn how identify the aggregate root and encapsulate a boundary around related entities. You'll also lear...

Junction Model Pattern: Many-to-Many - SequelizeWeb Development
Many-to-many is a common modeling relationship between two entities. Here's one way to handle it with the Sequelize ORM.

Migrate Primary Keys to UUIDs - Sequelize/NodeDomain-Driven Design
This is how and why I took upon myself the hellish task of migrating an existing Sequelize + TypeScript application to use UUIDs i...