

Showing 32 article(s) about "TypeScript"

How to use Prettier with ESLint and TypeScript in VSCode
In this guide, we'll explain how to use Prettier with ESLint, delegating the responsibility of code convention definition to ESLin...
How to Test Code Coupled to APIs or Databases
In the real-world, there's more to test than pure functions and React components. We have entire bodies of code that rely on datab...
How to Mock without Providing an Implementation in TypeScript
Having to provide an implementation everytime you create a test double leads to brittle tests. In this post, we learn how to creat...
Use DTOs to Enforce a Layer of Indirection | Node.js w/ TypeScript
DTOs help you create a more stable RESTful API; they protect your API clients from changes made on the server.
Enforcing Coding Conventions with Husky Pre-commit Hooks
In this guide, we'll learn how to setup Husky to prevent bad git commits and enforce code standards in your project.
Deploying Serverless GraphQL APIs with TypeScript on Netlify
It's quite trivial to get a Serverless GraphQL API up and running in 2020.
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