

Showing 6 article(s) about "GraphQL"

GraphQL Schemas vs. RESTful DTOs
GraphQL schemas serve a similar purpose to RESTful DTOs. One of the main differences is tooling. In this post, I aim to strengthen...
Deploying Serverless GraphQL APIs with TypeScript on Netlify
It's quite trivial to get a Serverless GraphQL API up and running in 2020.
How to Deploy a Serverless GraphQL API on Netlify [Starters]
Exploring two starter projects you can use to deploy a serverless GraphQL API on Netlify with or without TypeScript.
Nested GraphQL Resolvers & Separating Concerns
Two approaches to implementing separation of concerns and better cohesion of operations in your GraphQL schema.
GraphQL's Greatest Architectural Advantages
There's a lot of advantages to using GraphQL instead of REST on your server, and there's a lot of advantages to using Apollo Clien...
How Apollo REST Data Source Deduplicates and Caches API calls [Deep Dive]
Apollo's REST Data Source does a lot more than you'd think behind the scenes, and that's why it's recommended instead of using a w...
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